
Agrix projects as from 2003
- Assessment of the market potential for Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) to be deployed in high-tech greenhouses in The Netherlands. Including: the local availability of robotic tools to be mounted on an autonomous AGV platform. Commissioned by a Canadian producer of AGV’s.
- Feasibility Study for a 30,000-ewe lamb meat operation in Dubai, using the Agrix FINMOD model, financed by a local investor. Including the procurement of feed raw material and processing of meat. Based on an intensive breeding system in a closed environment. Also included the recuperation of water from excrements and the processing of manure into a solid phosphate and liquid nitrogen fertilizer.
- Agrix FINMOD for a Dutch apple processor (Yespers) on a non-linear “black-box” processing plant: apples-in and only valuable products-out applying innovative technologies like Pulse Electric Field (PEF).
- Feasibility Study, using the Agrix FINMOD model, for a large integrated Russian venture that combined farming with leisure, included the production of lamb meat, goat and cow milk and beef. All products to be processed on site.
- Assessment of the Dutch and European AgRobotic sector, describing the main trends, relevant players, investment level, R&D clusters, innovation hubs and sources of finance like seed and venture capital. The study also elaborates on the relevance of the EU Green Deal “Farm-to-Fork” policy for the AgRobotics sector. Commissioned by the Canadian embassy in The Hague;
- Development of a strategy to attract Dutch agri-food technology and greenhouse related FDI into Alberta, Canada. Commissioned by Edmonton Global.
- Strategic plan to create and expand a sourcing base for goat milk in Hungary for a privately owned milk processor in Austria that sources goat milk in Western Europe and is confronted with high transport and procurement costs and therefore needed a plan and economic analyses for alternative sourcing options in Central Europe.
- Attracting agri-food and greenhouse related FDI into Alberta for Edmonton Global, Canada;
- Restructuring of a Cashew processing plant, Ho Chi Minh area Vietnam, for Triodos Bank;
- Business Planning mango peal and kernel processing into powdered peal, kernel fat and kernel meal, process development & process trials, modelling & economic analyses, financing support, Burkina Faso for NL private investor Yespers;
- Fact Finding and Feasibility study Burkina Faso, upgrading fruit processing by-streams, mitigating waste production, energy from Cashew processing, sector assessment, partner search, quantification, modelling, assessment economic ratios and sustainability, for NL private investor Yespers;
- Technical and economic assessment of a 100,000 dairy goat farm in Vietnam, including arable production of forage and concentrates, breeding program, barns & milking centre design, UHT and milk powder processing plant for private investor, Hanoi area, with Capriscope;
- Development of an integrated 2,000 cow dairy farm, including arable production of forage and concentrates, breeding program, barns & milking centre design, milk processing plant and training and interim management for private investor in Northern Iraq;
- Assessment and technical economic audit of a 500-ha greenhouse project North of Cairo, Egypt for a Saudi private investor, in cooperation with Dutch greenhouse technology company JB Hydroponics, development of a Greenhouse fertigation and climate control system;
- Feasibility and business planning for private investor in Yekaterinburg, Russia, for a 14,000-goat integrated dairy goat farm with feed production and milk processing;
- Business plan audit for a 100,000 t/yr frozen French fries’ plant in Argentine, commissioned by Rabobank, Atradius and Dutch FMO Bank, supportive to finance;
- Assessment of a large dairy goat farming opportunity in Uzbekistan for a private investor;
- Business planning for private investor on an integrated 2,000 head dairy goat farm in Krasnodar, Russia. Including forage and concentrates production, milk processing and the supply of breeding animals;
- Participation at the Cuban agricultural fair FIAGROP to represent the Dutch F&A Greenhouse sector commissioned by the Netherlands Embassy in Havana and a report on emerging business opportunities for the F&A sector in Cuba;
- Madagascar business event organization and chairman, attended by Dutch food and greenhouse technology companies;
- Business planning for • ’s largest meat producer on a pilot farm with 30,000 ewes to produce meat lambs in close collaboration with GD Animal Health. economic analyses, supplier assessment, animal health plan, animal import and quarantine requirements, commissioned by Miratorg;
- Exploratory mission to the Huambo region in Angola to assess the technical level of farming, greenhouse vegetable production and processing and identify business and investment opportunities for Dutch F&A companies, commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Angola and the Agricultural Councillor in South Africa;
- Vegetable waste stream processing Ireland for Meadowfresh Foods Ltd, in cooperation with Dutch company
- Extensive follow up study on the benefits of the Dutch agrifood innovation system and benefits for Dutch F&A companies based on 30 company interviews for Food and Agriculture Canada;
- Feasibility study for Russia’s largest meat producer on lamb meat production of 1 mln lambs per year on 10 farms. Comparing the options of just meat production, meat and milk production and intensive milk production by a dedicated sheep milk breed. Comparison based on ROI, IRR, NPV and such, commissioned by Miratorg;
- Assessment of integrated potato production, handling, storage and chips (crisps) processing line for former President of Madagascar;
- Audit of a 15,000-cow dairy farm start up in Madagascar, project owned by the former President of Madagascar;
- Assessment of the food and agricultural sector in Madagascar and policy document on private sector involvement for the Netherlands Embassy in Dar-es-Salaam with focus on greenhouse vegetable production;
- Feasibility study and business plan for a broiler integration including slaughterhouse, meat processing and production of concentrates for private company based in Solwezi, Zambia;
- Assessment and policy paper on F&A cooperation between Cuba and The Netherlands as a follow up to the visit by Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Ploumen to Cuba, commissioned by The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Embassy in Cuba and the Agricultural Councillor in Mexico;
- Assessment of the Dutch F&A innovation system and its benefits for Dutch food processors and greenhouse producers; commissioned by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada;
- Analyses of prospects for the Dutch F&A and covered crops sector in Cuba in the light of changing USA-Cuba relations, commissioned by The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Embassy in Cuba and the Agricultural Councillor in Mexico;
- Exploratory mission to the Malanje region in Angola to assess the technical level of arable and greenhouse farming and processing and identify business and investment opportunities for Dutch F&A companies, commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Angola and the Agricultural Councillor in South Africa;
- Study and analyses for Agiculture and Agrifood Canada on innovations and new technologies in agriculture and agrifood processing in The Netherlands as demonstrated at the Food Valley Expo & Seminar 2015 in Wageningen, The Netherlands;
- Delegation leader Dutch agrifood companies and knowledge institutions to the Quibala region in Angola to boost Dutch – Angolan cooperation in agrifood and greenhouse vegetable production, commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Angola and the Agricultural Councillor in South Africa;
- Benchmarking Dutch and Canadian agrifood sector, explaining the Dutch agrifood and vegetable sector’s relevant success on world markets compared to that of Canada, commissioned by the Canadian Ministry of Agriculture
- Assessment of agrifood and greenhouse vegetable sector in Angola, report: Agrifood investment opportunities in Angola, commissioned by the Dutch Embassy in Angola and the Agricultural Councillor in South Africa;
- Defining relevant worldwide megatrends in agrifood and its consequences on RaboFarm investment policy in Europe, diversification in open field and covered vegetable crops. RaboFarm;
- Setting up Coparan Investment, fund manager; objective: investment in agrifood downstream, processing and vegetable production, business support service platform (focus Europe, Africa).
- Assessment of the agrifood and covered crops sector of Mozambique, commissioned by Dutch Embassies in Maputo and Pretoria;
- Integrated cassava starch production in South Africa. Farm layout, farming plan and related investments, 6,000 ha of cassava and rotating crops. Processing plant with capacity of 100 t of commercial cassava starch per 24 h, biogas plant, processing water treatment plant, waste water treatment, provisional off-take arrangements with international traders (Emsland and Tate & Lile); operating plan, investment analyses for international investing consortium
- Investissement Québec: Canada investment bank, attracting Dutch Agrifood companies to invest in the Canadian province of Québec.
- Enhancing sustainability in Large Scale Farming Operations, RaboFarm investment fund, focus on farmland investments in Poland and Rumania. Practical approach to implement production measures that support sustainable primary production on farm land and greenhouse vegetable production to comply with new EU directives and investors CSR, sustainability indicators definition, web-based portal.
- Potato starch project Ireland for Meadowfresh Foods Ltd, business assessment and business plan, strategic considerations on production of starch derivatives, glucose refining and protein recovery. Securing additional finance.
- French fries, potato flakes and starch potato project assessment for Makro Pakistan and House of Habib, overall business planning, raw material sourcing scheme, finance arrangement.
- Energy Crops on Marginal Land: a Practical Approach, feasibility of producing perennial energy crops on marginal land, not competing with food or feed production for RaboFarm, complying with Farmland Principles and RF CSR, Central Europe;
- Assessment of an investment by Dubai company in large scale irrigated arable agriculture in Northern Sudan (160,000 ha), site lay out, buildings, equipment, cropping scheme, Al-Ghurair Holding.
- Large scale dairy farm development in North West Turkey, 1,500 dairy cows, buildings, equipment and livestock, assessment, private investor;
- Develop, assess and implement a plan for Rubchenetska Krasunya dairy goat farm (2,000 dairy goats) with soft cheese processing facility, Kiev, Ukraine, buildings and equipment. In cooperation with Van Den Heuvel Food Equipment BV. and Capriscope.
- Develop, assess and implement a plan for a large-scale dairy goat farm (15,000 dairy goats) with milk processing in Saudi Arabia, Bagabas Company. In cooperation with Van Den Heuvel Food Equipment BV, equipment and livestock;
- Develop, assess and implement a plan for a large-scale dairy farm, with dairy processing plant in Dubai for Al-Ghurair Holding. In cooperation with Van Den Heuvel Food Equipment BV;
- Develop, assess and implement a plan for integrated potato flakes production, extruded potato snacks and fresh potato grading and handling for Domiatec company in Egypt. Equipment and buildings. In cooperation with Tummers Equipment BV.
- Assessment of the Argentine potato sector, including local seed potato production and processed potatoes. Also included a comparison of the Dutch and Argentine potato production, handling, storage and processing chains, based on yields, cost prices, market prices, timeliness of sales by farmers. Report called “Potato Production in Argentina” commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and the Netherlands Embassy.
- Develop, assess and implement an integrated plan for large scale egg production (1 mln layers), handling and processing of eggs into dried and liquid egg products for Avicola Arenales, Bs.As. province, Argentine. In cooperation with Staalkat International BV.
- Develop a business plan and assist in attracting external finance by local funds for Encomar S.A. related to large scale integrated beef production in the Rio Negro area in Patagonia, Argentina.
- Analyse land markets in South America and Central Europe for Agricola S.A., an investment fund managed by DKR Capital Inc, Stamford, USA. Focus on land price development as related to commodity prices and on strategic alliances with other investors to invest in processing and handling infrastructure to boost land prices. Update of country assessments after a year.
- For Société Genérale du Financement de Quebec, Canada: attract Dutch agrifood companies to invest in Quebec, Canada. Analyse and compare several Quebec and Dutch agrifood sectors with the objective to define potential successful opportunities.
- Development of an economic model and business plan for Argentine large-scale potato farmers in the Tandill region in cooperation with McCain French fries in Balcarce to invest in central potato storage, sorting, grading and packing facilities and to improve potato quality. Export of storage equipment by Omnivent Bewaartechniek B.V.
- Joint efforts with Dutch energy producer Essent on investments through Essent investment funds (SET, CELP2, CELP3) in large scale agri activities related to energy production: wind mills, chipped and pelletized wood, second generation ethanol and other bio (transport) fuels. Establish take of contracts for chipped and pelletized wood for power plants in Europe.
- Assessment of the feasibility and associated risks of large-scale integrated pork production in Argentina (60,000 sows) for Vicentin S.A., a leading, family owned, Argentine crushing and trading company. As a result, Vicentin has initiated pork production. Export of meat processing equipment by John van der Zanden Trading B.V.
- Prepare a business plan, a plan of implementation and assist in attracting external finance (IFC) for MEDA Paraguay to invest in large scale cassava production and processing into cassava starch and derivatives for the European market. As a result, MEDA has set up three cassava starch processing plants and is currently building a fourth. Export of starch processing equipment by Tummers Machinebouw B.V. Sales of cassava starch in Europe.
- Advise Dutch agro management software producer Agrovision B.V. on a takeover of a North American software producer, as a result the takeover took place and was, so far, successful.
- Prepare a business plan for a potato crisps plant in Nevsehir, Turkey for a Dutch investor.
- Prepare a business plan and company model for the large-scale production of organic goat milk and goat dairy products combined with retail outlet on Bonaire, Netherland Antilles for a group of Dutch investors.
- Elaborate a business plan, plan of implementation and export plan for the Asociacion de Productores de Cebolla del Partido Villarino in Hilario Ascsubi, Patagonia, Argentina to improve production and handling of onions, processing into powdered onion and export of this product to Europe.
- Prepare a business model and implementation plan for a joint venture between Dutch flower exporter Disva B.V. and Czech counterpart Delta Flowers s.r.o. in the Czech Republic. The j.v. should include a wholesale and retail flower and pot plants department and sales of inputs for professional flower and plant growers.
- Prepare a business and implementation plan for large scale production of cassava and a cassava starch processing plant for Kersten B.V., Paramaribo, Surinam. Assist negotiations with local parties for finance and local government for land procurement.
- Consulting services for NIVOBA B.V., Dutch producer of starch processing equipment on the sale of a starch processing plant in Cuba and takeover of a starch derivatives plant in Cuba.
- When part of Cebeco Handelsraad, Agrix was involved in a range of initiatives:
- Member of internationalisation task force of Cebeco Group (1997-2000). Develop a strategy to expand outside The Netherlands (Central Europe, Latin America), focussed on feed and integrated meat production. Initiation of a venture capital company (Cebeco Feed Ventures) to participate in foreign companies, select companies for merger or acquisition, draw business plans for new ventures, contact financial institutions (banks, IFC, EBRD, etc), develop financing structure.
- Strategy for Cebeco Group to initiate feed production in Eastern Germany, select companies for mergers, business planning (ABCTA).
- Business planning poultry integration in Poland, including egg-processing plant, negotiations with State Treasury of Poland, international financial institutions.
- Establish Cebeco International branch in Brazil (CI do Brazil)
- Develop marketing strategy western Germany for feed company, partner search and competition analysis (Agrifirm).
- Establish pork integration in Hungary in co-operation with leading US cooperative.
- Drawing a bankable business plan for a large-scale dairy farm in Hungary.
- Setting up co-operation between Dutch and Spanish co-operative.
- Supervise sector analysis Argentinean pork sector.
- Assessment of the Palestinian poultry sector (Dutch government).
- Initiate, prepare and supervise strategy trip for Cebeco Board of Directors to Brazil and Argentina.
- Feasibility study for investment in poultry processing plant in Rumania.
- Feasibility study for investment in broiler integration with meat processing plant in Macedonia.
- Business plan for vegetable processing plant in Slovak Republic.
- Assessment of poultry farm in Czech Republic.
- Supervise market research feed production in Czech Republic.
- Supervise market research feed production in Hungary.
- Supervise market research processed egg products Eastern Europe.
- Business plan & bankable report starch processing plants South Africa (Nivoba BV).
- Strategy development and implementation bio pork production Hungary (Visser Meat BV).
- Rehabilitation compound feed plant in Cuba (ABCTA).
- Business plan poultry and pork integration Cuba (Grupo Porcino).
- Business plan vegetable processing Czech Republic (Agroselect BV)
- Strategy development & implementation veal production Brazil (Teeuwissen BV)
- Strategy development & implementation Brazilian branch of Dutch company farm management software (Agrovision BV)
- Business plan & bankable report dairy plant Venezuela (Van Den Heuvel Dairy Equipment BV)
- Business plan large scale vegetable farm Turkey (Private Turkish company)
- Business plan & implementation mushroom farm Czech Republic (Heveco BV).
- Business plan & bankable report starch processing plant Cuba (Nivoba BV)
- Feasibility pork slaughterhouse Costa Rica (Latour BV)
- Business plan & bankable report starch processing plant Surinam (Tummers Equipment BV).
- Develop business plan for US animal feed producer to start activities in NW Europe (Private US company).
- Business plan & bankable report onion processing plant in Argentine (Tummers Equipment BV).
- Business plan & bankable report cash & carry pot plant and cut flowers in Czech Republic (Delta Flowers BV).
- Business planning and implementation of integrated goat cheese farm on Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles (Van Den Heuvel Dairy Equipment ).
- Business planning potato processing Turkey (Den Boef BV)
- Business planning and implementation of large scale pork integration Argentina (Porcon Equipment BV)
- Business planning and implementation of tapioca starch derivatives plant Paraguay (Tummers Equipment BV)
- Advise on a merger between Dutch and US based agro management software companies (Private Dutch company)
- Manager Business Unit Kazakhstan, sales NLG 80 mln in 1993, processing plants and other capital goods, seeds and other farm inputs, office in Alma Ata, 45 freelancers, 5 employees.
- Act as board member in vegetable production joint venture near Moscow, Russia.
- Establishment of joint venture with Cuban Ministry of Agriculture, fresh vegetable production for tourism sector in Cuba (in co-operation with Golden Tulip Hotels), act as board member.
- Implementation of several arable production-projects in Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
- Establishment of large-scale vegetable projects in Central Asia;
- Establishment of large-scale dairy farms and milk processing facilities in Central Asia;
- Area account manager Latin America
- Export of compound feed to Cuba.
- Assessment and plan for improvement of the animal production-sector Cuba, feed raw material supply.
- Marketing support AVIKO on frozen French-fries Central America.
- Feasibility French Fries Processing AVIKO Brazil and Argentine
- Export of capital goods (mainly food processing equipment) to Latin America