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Agrix Project Approach

Agrix Consulting has traditionally been strongly involved in the process of co-developing a company's vision on it's international playing field. This vision makes the fundament of the company's strategy.

Agrix is able to supply the information needed to establish a sound company strategy when related to internationalization. Agrix  will, if required, participate in this process. Our specialists make a perfect partner in discussing the most relevant items dealing with the factual aspects of an international agrifood environment.

Agrix's job is to make specific international strategic goals get realized.

In many cases, the activities of Agrix Consulting will result in a business plan. This business plan serves three main purposes:

1) It serves as a document for decision makers within the clients company to discuss the consequences and risks of a new venture

2) It serves as a document to obtain additional finance and subsidies from banks, financial institutions and international institutions that provide grants and subsidies

3) When accepted by the client's company management, the document will serve as a guideline for implementation and actual establishment of the new company

Potato field argentine
Potato field egypt
 Profile       Projects       Finance       Investment       Energy crops
Rapeseed  Pototo crop egypt
  © Copyright Agrix Consultancy 2011