Agrix Consulting


Agrix Consulting is one of the leading Dutch consulting firms specialized in AgriFood issues in an international context. We supply services and management support to AgriFood companies with cross border aspirations.




Agrix Consulting originated from one of the largest Dutch AgriFood co-operatives. Agrix can be characterized by a down to earth and hands-on approach: no dancing around the bonfire but clear advises that make a solid fundament for decisions to be taken. Agrix Consulting has it’s roots in agriculture and food production and is appreciated world wide for high level expertise on AgriFood issues for over a decade.


Typical Agrix Consulting clients are both medium sized and larger AgriFood companies most of whom originate from The Netherlands but also from other countries. Clients have in common that they aspire the establishment of a new business, or optimize an existing one, outside the borders of their respective home countries.


Agrix Consulting works closely together with the client’s company management to find business partners, local companies suitable for takeover, optimum locations for green field operations and provides financing solutions.




Agrix Consulting expertise:

Ø      Fact finding;

Ø      Business analyses;

Ø      Region comparative competitiveness;

Ø      Partner search;

Ø      Business planning;

Ø      Project management;

Ø      Strategic issues;

Ø      Financing solutions including subsidies.




Agrix Consulting operates world wide. Traditionally the company has strong ties with Latin America: Brazil and Argentine. Due to the expansion of the European Union most activities these days take place in Central Europe, in the new EU countries and the countries listed to enter within a few years.




Agrix Consulting operates through a network of local specialists, individual professionals with excellent reputation that work together with Agrix staff under Agrix supervision. This approach allows Agrix to obtain the best results within a very short period of time against relatively low costs. We do not have to maintain a worldwide chain of expensive offices and related overhead that ultimately has to be paid for by the client.


Primary production


Agrix Consulting has been involved intensively in a wide variety of large scale primary production related ventures like poultry and pork production, organic meat production, dairy, vegetables, flowers and pot plants, onion and potatoes, cassava for starch, pig breeding and production of mushrooms.




Processing of agricultural products into food, feed or intermediate industrial products has always been the main volume of Agrix Consulting business. We have been involved in ventures like cheese production, starch production, slaughtering of pork and poultry, handling and processing of mushrooms, distribution of pot plants and cut flowers, onion and potato processing, organic goat cheese production, feed production and production of protein feed additives.




Agrix Consulting has traditionally been strongly involved in the joint development of a vision that makes the fundament of company strategy. Agrix is able to supply the information needed to establish a sound company strategy when related to internationalization. Agrix specialists make a perfect partner in discussing the most relevant items dealing with the factual aspects of an international business environment. We will generally not deal with the traditional consultancy activities as detailed by Kaplan and Norton, like implementing the strategy in company structure.


Business planning


In many cases, the activities of Agrix Consulting will result in a business plan. This business plan serves three main purposes:

1)     It serves as a document for decision makers within the clients company to discuss the consequences and risks of a new venture;

2)     It serves as a document to obtain additional finance and subsidies from banks, financial institutions and international institutions that provide grants and subsidies;

3)     When accepted by the client’s company management the document will serve as a guideline for implementation and actual establishment of the new company.




Most clients of Agrix Consulting are private companies. However, on a regular base Agrix also initiates or participates in international projects funded by “The Hague” or “Brussels”. These projects are usually funded by Dutch EVD programs like PSOM and PSO or by the European Union. Agrix will only consider initiation or participation of such projects if they lead, directly or in-directly, to private business involvement. Although without any political motives, Agrix, as a company, believes in a sound business environment as a base for development and increased prosperity.


Agrix Consulting is very experienced in requesting PESP and PESP-NA support, but only on a guaranteed participation base.




New business ventures are initiated to make money: for the share holders and for stake holders like suppliers and people employed. To make money one has to take a calculated risk. New ventures outside the company’s home country are usually riskier than ventures at home. For this reason it is often more complicated to get them financed. Agrix often has access to additional subsidies and grants. Agrix also maintains close relations with international finance institutions like Worldbank, IFC, European Investment Bank, EDB and Dutch FMO. The latter offers instruments like IFOM, Syndicated Loans, Equity & Quasi-Equity and NIMF (the matching fund). Agrix can be an intermediate to obtain funding through these organizations and instruments. We also boost a wide network amongst Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds that can be addressed for additional finance.




Agrinvest was established as a legal entity for financial participation in agrifood companies that offer outstanding perspectives. It is a vehicle to channel funding provided by third party individuals to new agrifood companies.


Contact Agrix Consulting


Phone: +31 (0)570 658127

Fax: +31 (0)570 657652


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